How do we check the quality of our homecare service?

We are committed to providing the best quality Hampshire homecare service. To do this, we continually check what we are doing, and talk with our staff and other organisations that have opportunities to see and judge us. Above all, we listen to what our clients and their families tell us. From all this feedback and checks, we make changes to further improve the care we provide. The benefit of being a small company is that we can make changes quickly, so that clients see the benefits immediately.

We continually work towards improving the quality of our service through:

  • Asking clients and their families about the quality of the care they receive and what we can do better
  • Loved ones having access online to our daily visit records in real time, so they can see the record as the visit happens
  • A Manager visiting each client to review their care plan and asking their opinion of our service
  • Checks of Care Workers to witness their care delivery
  • Annual review of all areas of our homecare service
  • Annual plan for improvement and development of our homecare service
  • Auditing daily visit records the Care Workers create, including medication support
  • Regular staff team meetings
  • Regular Care Worker appraisal and supervision meetings
  • Enriched and varied training programme that meets the needs of our clients and the Care Workers development
  • Listening, responding and improving, as a result of feedback about our service