We all know what it’s like when we’ve been in hospital for a while. You may be feeling anxious about returning home. You may have lost some of your confidence to do simple daily tasks that you were able to do before going into hospital. Or as a result of your stay in hospital you might need to make some lifestyle changes, which you are unsure of how to manage. Whatever the reason for being discharged from hospital, Caring Hands can help settle you back into your home safely and quickly, giving you the care and support you need, when you need it.

To find out more about how we can help you get back on your feet quickly and safely after your stay in hospital please contact Caring Hands on 01489 582926 or email us at enquiries@caringhandsds.co.uk.
We can –
- Respond quickly to getting you home from hospital safely
- Liaise with you, your loved ones and the hospital about the support you will need when you go home
- Speak to the hospital regarding your medication, ensuring the right medication comes home with you
- Visit your home to make sure you can safely support yourself when we are not there
- Liaise with other services, such as the Occupational Therapist, regarding equipment you may need at home, such as walking frame or grab rails
- Stock up food cupboards for when you arrive home
- Provide light housework and laundry duties before you arrive home
- Visit your home before you are discharged to put your heating on
- Provide the care and support you require in the weeks following discharge
It may be that you require help for a few weeks, just while you get back on your feet. Our experienced staff can provide short term practical support to ease the transition from hospital to home, helping you to regain your independence. It may take you longer to regain your independence, so we will speak to you about putting a longer care and support plan in place, that helps you regain your independence safely, over a period of time and at your own pace.